10 Foods That Fight Inflammation and Pain

10 Foods That Fight Inflammation and Pain
These popular fruits contain an anti-inflammatory antioxidant called quercetin. No wonder one a day keeps the doctor away.

Cherries contain chemicals called anthocyanins, which give berries their blue and red colors and fight inflammation in the same way aspirin does. Raspberries and strawberries also contain this inflammation fighter.

Harvard University researchers found that women who drank 10 ounces of the juice a day had bladder infections only 42 percent as often as those who did not drink up. The researchers believe that an ingredient in the juice may inhibit bacteria from invading the bladder wall.

Yes, you read that correctly. Dark chocolate contains chemicals that help fight inflammation. According to a large Italian study, people who ate about one square of dark chocolate every three days had significantly lower measures of a protein associated with inflammation than those who ate no chocolate at all.

Chomp on some grapes or mulberries or sip wine (yes!) for a dose of resveratrol, which inhibits inflammatory enzymes in much the same way aspirin does (but without the stomach irritation)

Foods high in the amino acid tryptophan may lower pain sensitivity just one hour after eating. Other foods with high levels of tryptophan include hazelnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, turkey, dairy products, soy, seafood, whole grains, rice, beans, and lentils.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have found that a chemical in extra-virgin olive oil, oleocanthal, inhibits inflammatory enzymes in the same way that ibuprofen does. Drizzle olive oil on veggies and salads, and dunk bread into it instead of patting on butter or margarine.

British researchers who analyzed the diets of 25,000 people found that those who ate foods with a chemical common in oranges and other orange-colored fruits, like apricots and nectarines, were less likely to have painful inflammatory joint conditions. Just one or two servings of these fruits per day made a difference.

Bromelain, a protein-digesting enzyme in this tropical fruit, reduces inflammation. Studies show that eating pineapple may reduce pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and lower swelling in people with carpal tunnel syndrome.

Green leafy vegetables, including kale, chard, bok choy, and silverbeet, are full of anti-inflammatory carotenoids, or plant pigments that give green and orange produce their vibrant color.
via http://eyespopping.com/10-foods-that-fight-inflammation-and-pain/
