Details about TSU

-- What is ? --

Tsu short for Tsunami social network which was formed back 6 years ago in 2009.
This is a social networking website same as others like Facebook or twitter etc but pays users for their original posts. The ad generated revenue of the website of 100% , they give 90% revenue to you & takes 10% to themselves.
You just go to and signup , when it asks for reference/invite code put "Wadeed" without quotation marks.

Now as you have signed up put original bio data and info. Use real picture not fake. Now you are done, it has same outlet & design as Facebook so it is familiar to use.

Now you are ready to post stuff , remember things you post should be original and the ownership of the post/pic must be yours not a copied or googled stuff. They pay you for the originality & legitimacy of the post.

-- What is PEER-to-PEER payments ? --

Peer to peer payments means that you can transfer funds or money.

You don't need to activate this function , it is only used when you are transferring cash to your friends on the network...
On your friends id you can see a transfer funds option , that's how you transfer them money.
You can find it by going in the settings and then privacy.

then in privacy

-- How do you earn cash ? --

By posting original content & inviting people.

There are 2 things , followers/friends & Children/Grandchildren

First we talk about posting content, which should have your ownership or you can post status in which you can write your favorite quote or movie lines or lyrics etc.

The more views, likes,shares your post gets , the more you earn per day.
You can also post Gif images here but no videos unfortunately (currently October 2015).

The more you have friends and followers who share and like your stuff while you do the same to them , you earn more revenue.

Secondly we talk about inviting people so here's how it works.

You are on the network, now you invite your friends whether from Facebook, Twitter, Google etc. You share them the link so they signup on the website with your reference/shortcode/invite code.

The process is that you join the network with someone's referral code/short code.
Now you are independent user and can invite more people with your username.
When people signup with your reference they are added to your family tree

When you invite people through your username and they signup on the website, they are added to your family tree where you are parent and they whom you invited is your children. And your network is strong.

Lets take 4 users as user a , b ,c ,d
So you are user A independent/parent.
You invited user B (he will become ur children) and user B invited user C(he will be your grand children) then C did D(so on).
Like this 
A > B > C > D
Now if you (A) earn 1$ with your post in a day it will be yours 90% yours and 10% to tsu platform but complete earning is yours.

But if user B earns 1$ so 10% will go to the tsu website , 60% to user B and 30% to you.
Tsu will get 0.10$ , user B gets 0.60$ and you get 0.30$

Now if user D earns 1$ a day , 
D will get 40% revenue, C will get 30% B will get 15% and you (A) will get 5% 
These values are approx, the earning % may differ depending upon the children and network strength.

But you don't have to worry about the percentages. The more children , grandchildren you have the more you earn upon their posts & likes quantities. So keep inviting people , and ask ur invited people to invite more.
Keep liking, commenting  & sharing posts.

-- Additional Processes for earning 
(Not obligatory but + points) --

Things you should post on TSU to earn more:

 28 posts per day. (post your original content) 

 8 shares per day.(share other's original content) 

 1000 likes per day.(like posts as you can) 

 50 pending friends requests in a 7 day period. 

 Use 10 mention (@) per post. 

 Use 10 hashtag (#) per post.

Join me if you want

I post original content and also care about my friend's/followers/children's posts.

Thanks for spending time learning about this website.
Take care
