Why do Students study at 11th hour by Hawks (w/ Expert Opinions)

Why do most students prepare for their exam in the last days or last week (11th Hour)?

Exams- it's something that most of the students dread. 
In the list of the least favourite things in the world, examination would feature at number three, following Justin Beiber and broccoli. 

To do well in exams students must manage their academic workload through the year effectively. But even the best prepared student can feel uneasy as the exams approach. It’s vital you manage your remaining time well and take a proactive approach to your revision.

When you have a schedule in front of you, you feel a little relax and right at that moment your friend (the one who is going to get 95%) will call you and say “mujhay rona a raha hai mujhay chapter 12 samjh hi nai a raha mai fail ho jaon gi/ga” trust me it is a heart breaking moment because it’s a reality check that you should be studying.

This is a video made in Pakistan.

#Exam #11thHour #LastMomentStudy #Study #ExamFear #Fear #PakistanZindabaad #Pakistan #Education #EducationSystem #ExpertOpinion #Hawks #Trailer
